Discover the world of Eric Carle and munch around with the Large Very Hungry Caterpillar. This fuzzy creature is a whopping 42cm long, and due to him being made from...
The Tiny Caterpillar Activity Toy from the Tiny and Very Hungry Caterpillar collection is based on Eric Carle's wonderful and hugely successful picture books. Created specifically for the newborn to...
Practical, fun, cute and comfy, the Tiny Caterpillar Booties from the Tiny and Very Hungry Caterpillar collection, based on Eric Carle's wonderful and hugely successful picture books, are a classic...
CATERPILLAR PLUSH: Kids Preferred presents this super-soft, cute, charmingly detailed stuffed animal. Babies, toddlers, and kids love this classic and collectible comfy friend. CUDDLY FRIEND: Boys and girls of all...
A Book and 5 Squirties. This is the perfect gift for any child. Decorated like the Eric Carle book characters. Squeeze to fill with water! Encourages Roleplay, Creativity, and Imagination....
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle's classic storybook character has been loved by parents and children for over 50 years. The Made with Love Very Hungry Caterpillar is a beautiful...
Based on Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar story, this rattle teether is sure to delight little ones. Lots of textured rings offer plenty of chewing opportunity to soothe sore...
A fantastic activity toy based on the much loved Very Hungry Caterpillar book. It features lots of activities including rattles, crinkles, and squeaks, and plays Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. ...